The Downpour of Diminutive Dreams


No dream is ever too small to affect the world. And yet, every minute of the day, someone somewhere tosses away an innovative idea, abandons a worthy project, walks away from a golden opportunity, and decides to give up on their dream — all because he or she feels it’s not worth pursuing; that their dream is insignificant, not worthy, just too small.

Is your dream too small? Does it justify the time and effort of pursuing it? Or do you view it as a tiny fish you ought to throw back into the sea? Not sure? Then answer these seven simple questions:

1) Does your dream (or goal) excite you?

2) Does working toward it make you happy?

3) Does pursuing it give you a sense of purpose?

4) Do you frequently think about your dream (or goal)?

5) Have you held essentially the same dream (or goal) for years?

6) Would achieving it bring you feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment?

7) Can you or someone else benefit in any way, through the fulfillment of your dream (or goal)?

If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, then you should hold on to it! Any dream that’s big enough to prompt a positive response to our Dream Diagnostics, is worth pursuing — no matter who tells you otherwise, and no matter what obstacles you happen to encounter.

The Biblical Prophet Elijah faced his share of nasty naysayers. He also had to overcome numerous obstacles. And an event in his life perfectly illustrates our point about dreams. Elijah was forecasting rain. Big deal, right? Well, actually yeah! The prophet’s homeland was parched by a drought that had lasted three years. And there hadn’t been a single cloud in the sky for just about as long! Until the eventful day when Elijah’s servant sees a tiny one.

Dreams are a lot like clouds in the sky: they drift along, appearing distant, insubstantial, and unreachable. And even the smallest cloud (or dream) can affect our lives — like the one spotted by Elijah’s servant: “His servant told him, ‘I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.’ Then Elijah shouted, ‘Hurry … Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!'” (1 Kings 18:1, 44 NLT)

Really? From that tiny cloud? But as things turned out, the world soon witnessed exactly how much can develop from something so seemingly insignificant: “…Soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm…..” (1 Kings 18:1, 45 NLT).

By “terrific rainstorm” the scriptures mean what us “country folk” call a gully washer! Enough rain to restore the land after 3 years of drought, and thoroughly soak all the naysayers. Sorta brings new meaning to the term “wet blanket”!

Lesson learned: Like the Prophet Elijah’s insignificant-looking little rain cloud, what may sound like an easy (or unusual) goal, or a diminutive dream, can eventually produce a downpour of blessings, for both you and others.

Someone once said, “Dream BIG, or don’t dream at all.” Nonsense! God never intended dreams to be “one size fits all”! And besides, every dream is worth pursuing, and every dream has the potential to soak you with joy, satisfaction and blessings. So embrace your own special dream. You’ll quickly realize it’s just the right size for you!

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap….” (Galatians 6:9 King James 2000)
