Know Your Enemy (Boot Camp for Creators & Dreamers 21.2)

Previously: Powers of Darkness? Spiritual forces of Evil? Believe it or not, a spiritual war is being waged all around us, in the invisible realm of the supernatural. (Ephesians 6:12) The fallen angel Lucifer marshals his demonic forces daily — to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10 NIV) He knows that the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and that, by robbing you of it, he can weaken your spirit, your motivation, and your resolve. Once he’s done this, he can destroy your hopes and kill your dreams. Call him the “Hitler” from hell.

In his Chinese military treatise The Art of War, Sun Tzu states, “If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without jeopardy.” One of the reasons Great Britain, the United States, and their allies prevailed in WWII is that the leaders of these nations knew their enemies. They were able to recognize and understand the forces of evil threatening human life and freedom. Thus, the Allies succeeded in defeating the most powerful military force ever assembled, the combined might of the Axis Powers — Hitler’s murderous Third Reich; Italy’s fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini; and Japan’s opportunistic Emperor Hirohito — all because a few great men such as Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt were able to discern the evil of their times.

We, too, must be able to recognize and understand the enemy of our souls … and our hopes and dreams. Satan is that enemy. He is the epitome of evil, and like the crazed leaders of the Axis Powers, he has a definite agenda. In fact, he has an ax to grind with each and every one of us. Which is why the Apostle Peter admonishes us to watch our step: “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 NLT)

Sounds incredible, right? After all, what did we do to get on Satan’s bad side? Well, first off, Satan doesn’t have a good side — it’s all bad: left, right, top, bottom, and in-between. Second, Satan doesn’t need a reason. And yet, many will scoff at the idea, or discount the danger.

This photo is sad but tame when compared to the truly horrific images, which we will withhold in order to remain “family friendly.”

Folks, we can make the same mistake the European Jews made right before WWII — a mistake which cost millions of Jewish men and women their very lives. Upon hearing the news of massive roundups and increased persecutions, and later of the horrors of the death camps and the mass shootings, many people of Hebrew heritage gathered their families, packed their belongings, and slipped away quietly. But unfortunately, far too many remained in the path of danger. Why? Many of them simply refused to believe that such evil could exist in our world.

In particular, the German Jews, many of whom were secular, highly educated, and well established in German society, mistakenly believed they would be exempt from this latest wave of antiSemitism. In appearance, custom, and mannerisms, they were completely indistinguishable from their Teutonic neighbors. Furthermore, viewing themselves as solid, successful, law-abiding and truly patriotic German citizens, they felt sure they would escape Hitler’s wrath. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

All that remains: gruesome but still tame.

Hitler clearly took his cues from the devil himself: he hated without provocation, and lived to steal, kill, and destroy. And he needed no excuse to indiscriminately murder any and all Jews. It was in his nature.

Many German Jews were in denial — until it was too late. They knew Hitler was a lunatic but failed to recognize him for evil maniac he truly was. We creators and dreamers can’t afford to live in similar denial. We can’t afford to pretend that Satan doesn’t exist, or that we’re not on his radar. Don’t think he’s merely a product of “the Dark Ages,” with no place in the enlightened 21st Century. And don’t fancy yourself too sophisticated to believe in such an evil entity.

Satan does exist! He’s not a character from a fairy tale; nor is he the figment of an overworked and ignorant imagination. The Hebrew word for Satan literally means “adversary” — or one who opposes God. And, as the title of Hal Lindsey’s best-selling book proclaims, Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth.

Satan the fallen angel. “Dropping in” to see how you’re doing.

“…When the angels came to report to God, Satan, who was the Designated Accuser, came along with them. God singled out Satan and said, ‘What have you been up to?’ Satan answered God, ‘Going here and there, checking things out on earth.'” (Job 1:6 MSG)

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, on December 6, 1941, which President Roosevelt described as “a day that will live in infamy,” the Allied Forces realized they had met yet another formidable enemy: clearly, the Japanese Imperial Army would use any means necessary to win; and they would destroy any people that stood in their way.

We must also realize that the enemy of our soul is far more formidable than his human instruments; and he, too, will use any means to win his battle — destroy anything good and worthwhile in his path, be it people, principles, relationships, hopes, dreams … the list is endless. Remember the verse we quoted earlier? “Satan … is … seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 Aramaic) The word devour means to eat quickly and eagerly; or to consume completely and destructively.

When you devour something — a huge slice of apple pie, for instance — you pretty much leave behind only a few crumbs on an empty plate, often bemoaning “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!” That’s how Satan operates: he consumes ALL, leaving nothing behind but crumbs, emptiness, and regrets. He is committed to “finishing us off” — right down to the last morsel.

So we can’t let down our guards. We must understand that the enemy of our souls (like the Fascists) will do whatever it takes to derail our future. Satan will use any means possible — or anyone, including even those closest to you — to keep you from fulfilling your dreams and realizing your purpose and destiny. He’ll place obstacles in your path and throw a monkey wrench into your plans, all to sabotage your progress.

In his teaching series Promise, Problem, Provision, San Antonio, Texas pastor and author John Hagee writes, “The bigger the vision [or dream] the bigger the challenges.” Hagee uses the Biblical patriarch Joseph as an example, who had a monumental dream and endured astonishing tribulations to ultimately realize it. But when you have a huge god-given dream, especially one that will bless people and bring glory to God, you can expect to face some opposition from His and your enemy, Satan! 

But we need not fear nor falter: “If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?” (Romans 8:31 AMP)

God always prevails!

Like Joseph, we can say with confidence, “…You planned evil against me but God used those same plans for my good, as you see all around you right now—life for many people [through the fulfillment of the dream].” (Genesis 50:20 MSG) Proof that “…God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” (Romans 8:28 AMP)

Fellow creators and dreamers, take heart! Anyone who has ever achieved great things has also faced great obstacles and opposition. Anyone who’s worked to build a God-centered marriage, or raise a God-fearing child, or live a productive life that honors God, has faced their share of struggles. So, again, NEVER GIVE UP!

“…Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ….” (2 Corinthians 2:14 NASB)

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NEVER GIVE UP! (Boot Camp for Creators & Dreamers 21)


We’ve come to the last topic in our Spiritual Boot Camp for Creators and Dreamers:

“Got dreams? Never never never never give up!”


After all is said and done, you must determine in your heart and mind that no matter what obstacles you encounter, no matter what suffering and heartaches you endure, no matter how many false starts, closed doors, and disappointments challenge your faith — that you WILL NOT give up!

No matter how difficult your circumstances are, no matter how bleak the outcome seems — even when you’re forced to stand alone against incredible odds and the giants of adversity, weathering the darkest storms of life, or suddenly confronted with a Ziklag situation, you must not throw in the towel. When your journey seems like it’s taking too long, and you’ll never reach your destination; when nothing is working out and things are just looking impossible, don’t give up on your hopes and dreams!

Follow the advice of Sir Winston Churchill, who stood as a lone voice warning the world of the evils of Nazism before the start of WWII. Hear the words of this great leader who became the Prime Minister of England, replacing Chamberlain, a weak official who was deceived by Hitler and sought to appease him. Heed the wisdom of Churchill, a man of letters known for his eloquence and powerful rhetoric, who stirred a nation to rally behind him during England’s darkest hour, to oppose the greatest evil of modern times.

“Tell ’em, pooch.” “Rever, rever, rever, rever rive up!”

Churchill’s message? On October 29, 1941, when he was asked to speak on Britain’s progress in the war, in a venue packed with people eager with anticipation, the Prime Minister delivered one of the shortest yet most inspiring addresses ever recorded. He said, in essence, “Never, never, never, never, never give up!”

Fellow creators and dreamers, we doubt we’ll ever encounter better advice than this, or better solution to solving the problems of life, or a more reliable way to realize our goals. Churchill’s words represent the kind of resolve he had in the face of the diabolical schemes of Hitler and his Nazi henchmen. And this is the same kind of resolve we must have in the face of the demonic forces facing us today.

Demonic forces? Really? Don’t scoff. Read on.

Chariots of Fire: These guys didn’t give up.

As we stated previously, we love movies! We view many of them as modern parables, and have used The Sound of Music, Chariots of Fire, and several others to illustrate important spiritual truths in our inspirational books. We’re also WWII buffs. History truly is the best teacher — or should be, if we’re willing to learn from it. So allow us to draw a few analogies between the Second World War, divine purpose, the pursuit of goals and dreams, and the fulfillment of God-given destiny.

Before the Free World could triumph in WWII, England and her allies first needed to face some very uncomfortable and frequently-ignored Biblical truths. Jesus said, “…Remain faithful to My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32 NLT)

Hitler was unequivocally the enemy of freedom and all that is good, honest, and decent in the world. Without provocation, he declared war on the Jewish people, the “apple of God’s eye.” (Zechariah 2:8) In fact, Hitler’s “Final Solution” was engineered to wipe every last Jew from the face of the earth. That is the most concentrated form hatred ever known; evil in its purest form — swaggering and delivering speeches, all the while plotting the ruin of the world.

Can anything so vile and hideous have a presence in the physical realm without a counterpart in the unseen supernatural world? Powers of Darkness? Spiritual forces of Evil?

“…We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV)

We, too, must contend with a formidable enemy, who seeks the “final solution” of both the Jews of today as well the Gentile followers of Jesus Christ (the Son of God who walked the earth two millennia ago, in the form of a Jewish Rabbi.) Call this foe Lucifer, or the Devil, or the Dragon, or Beelzebub, or Old Scratch; he is known by many names, and in every corner and culture of the world. Jesus described him as “The thief [who] comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” (John 10:10 NIV) Bad News?

Yes and no. Satan’s power is limited. He’s not equal to God in any way, shape or form. Satan is just a rebellious and, hence, fallen angel, whose mantra is “Misery loves company.” Please don’t keep company with him, though, because….

Friends, if you allow Satan to steal your joy, he definitely will. He knows that the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and that, by robbing you of it, he can weaken your spirit, your motivation, and your resolve. Once he’s done this, he’ll take the next step in his plan….

Take heed, because there’s nothing’s more sad than a dead dream.

If Satan can steal your hope, by discouraging you, he can also kill your dream! Matter of fact, he’d love to destroy your entire future. Now why would he want to do that? Well, why did Hitler want to murder 6 million innocent (and highly creative) Jewish men, women, and children — plus millions of others?

Discouragement is the destroyer of enthusiasm and motivation; the killer of creativity and dreams. And it’s Satan’s first explosive volley in an emotional and spiritual war we all wage daily. So, now you know why we spent so much time emphasizing the need to stay encouraged. And why we wanted to be sure you had the proper “weapons” to fight this battle.

Satan, like Hitler and the Nazi Party, is a formidable force of evil who never takes a day off. He’s ready to assail us 24/7. But we have a far more powerful ally who assures us the victory in every single skirmish: Jesus Christ (or Yeshua), “whose purpose [unlike that of our enemy] is to give [us] a rich and satisfying life,” (John 10:10 NLT) has defeated both Satan and death. He is the Savior of the world in every way, and when we rely on Him, our Lord will foil every scheme of our spiritual enemy.

Fellow creators and dreamers, whether you realize it, you have already won the victory … “because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” (1 John 4:4 NLT) God, the Spirit in us — the All-Powerful, Sovereign Creator of the Universe who breathed life into each of us — loves you and wants the best for your life. He’s the One who blesses us with the dreams we pursue, and grants us the gifts, talents, and strength to achieve them.

So continue to be determined in the pursuit of your goals and dreams. Persevere and — following in the footsteps of Sir Winston Churchill — never, never, never, never give up!

Click here to all the Boot Camp lessons.
