The Mighty Thor! (Angel in the Kitchen)


Recently we humorously divulged that our appliances seem to have their own personalities; and we’ve given them names. So,  continuing on that note….

Marvel’s hero Thor calls down the power!

On our kitchen countertop, Thor relaxes after his latest victory. He truly is the god of thunder, his red cape proudly displayed for all to see. No, we’re not describing the flying, hammer-wielding character from the Avengers movies. Do you think we’re crazy or something? Why would a resident of mythical Asgard — especially the son of Odin — be hanging out in our kitchen? Give us a break!  No, we’re discussing our new blender. A legend among household appliances! A superhero to the teeming masses of weaker food processors!

A hero is born: We love making smoothies — a splash of skim milk and a cup of frozen strawberries and blackberries. (The blackberries actually grow wild in the woods behind our home.) And sometimes we toss a scoop of protein powder into our smoothies. But we encountered a big problem while making our favorite shake. Our other blender is too mild-mannered to accomplish the task of grinding and mixing the icy fruit and other ingredients. Actually, we’re being kind: it was downright wimpy. It grumbled at us every time it had to make a smoothie. Its motor even whined! So we retired “Wimpy” to the garage, with the promise we’d bring him out once in awhile, for easier jobs, like blending a chocolate malt. Then we put in a call for help, and Thor arrived — via UPS — to save the day!

Thor is a rather impressive, even imposing, blender. He pulverizes frozen strawberries and other fruits. When he whirls his hammer — uh, blades — he creates a whirlpool of delicious smoothie! Until …

One day — gasp! — Thor stopped working! He’d been fine the previous morning, but when we pulled him out of the appliance garage (Thor likes to call it Avengers Tower), tossed in some fruit, and punched the button … nothing! No action. No hearty battlecry. Nothing. “Thor,” we lamented, “Call down the lightning and make our smoothie!” Nothing.

Thor the Blender! Legendary among our kitchen appliances.

Fear not! Thor is alive and well; and whipping smoothies into delicious submission. But on that particular morning, when we pulled him from the appliance garage, we accidentally unplugged his power cord. Doh! Thor couldn’t get the job done because he was no longer connected to the power source. Once he was plugged back in, he was again able to call down the thunder and rescue us from … er … being hungry!

Lesson learned: You can have the world’s greatest kitchen appliances, but if they’re not plugged in to the source of power, they’ll never do the jobs they were created for. Betcha know what’s coming next.

God created each of us for a special purpose. We each have great value and a particular set of talents and abilities bestowed upon us by our Heavenly Father. And part of the joy of life is discovering His purpose and plan for each of us. But it’s no great mystery. We were created in His image and set upon earth to make a positive contribution: specifically, to help those around us — especially, to point the way to salvation through Christ — and to bring glory to God. In other words, we were designed to reflect God’s character to the world. “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 NIV)

But we need to be plugged in! If we’re going to “call down the lightning”; if we’re going to tap into God’s Holy Spirit power and anointing (His divine, supernatural influence which is necessary to accomplish His will and impact the world for His eternal purposes), then we need to maintain an unbroken connection to THE POWER. First, we do our utmost NOT to impede the flow of current. Sin separates us from God. So when we fail, we must run to Him, confess our weaknesses, and ask Him to cleanse us — of anything that could drive a wedge between the relationship we have with the God of the Universe. Sin, by the way, is not a list of DON’Ts. Sin is anything that separates YOU from God. “…If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us … and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” (1 John 1:9 NLT)

The TRUE God of Thunder: “Listen carefully to the thunder of God’s voice…. It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes in every direction.” (Job 37:2-3 NLT)

Second, we never cut the lines of communication. To the contrary, we must remain vigilant over everything we do. We must stay in constant touch with our Lord, through daily prayer and Bible reading. Prayer is a fancy word for talking to our Lord: sharing your thoughts, your concerns, your problems; telling Him how much you appreciate the things He’s accomplished for you (including salvation); and reminding Him (and yourself) exactly how exceedingly perfect and wonderful He is! “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7 ESV)

Third, we need to stay in fellowship with other believers, encouraging and strengthening one another. There’s great strength in numbers, folks. “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together … but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT)

For more Wit and Wisdom inspired by Food, Cooking, Kitchen Tools and Appliances, read Tom & Wilma’s book Angel in the Kitchen 


Got Aggravations? No Sweat! (Diet for Dreamers)


Smile and the world smiles back at you! Right? Well, not always. Our society has its fair share of scrooges and sourpusses, bigots and bad seeds.

We can’t control how people will treat us in this life. We can’t make them value us or our work. We have no control over whether they will value us or show us respect. And we should never try to force any of these things! We have better things to do than dealing with the shortcomings of those bad eggs we daily encounter. For one, we should be far more concerned, and far busier, about the business of pursuing our dreams and achieving our goals.

We can’t change people or their perceptions. But we CAN control how we’ll respond to their treatment. We can let their stares and suspicious looks, their critical comments and nasty attitudes, penetrate and get under our skin — or we can let it all bounce off our backs as we face new horizons and explore promising opportunities. In other words, we don’t need to spend any precious time or emotional energy on what others are saying. Ignore Negative Nancy, Bobby Bad-mouther, Pessimistic Patty, Jealous Johnny, Debbie Downer, and Arguing Andy.

Nothing can zap your peace and creativity faster than being around these “foul friends” and engaging in their toxic emotions. We can “entertain” thoughts of frustration, anger, unforgiveness, and rejection — and allow such strong emotions to poison us and our prospects; or we can choose to “flip the channel” and get on with more important stuff. Big stuff, not “small stuff”!

In his book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Dr. Richard Carlson, Ph.D. states: “The first step in becoming a more peaceful person is to have the humility to admit that, in most cases, you’re creating your own emergencies. Life will usually go on if things don’t go according to plan.” Beyond our social interactions, a few of the other things that often tend NOT to go as we planned are our schedules, the weather, the price of gas, the traffic conditions, even the lines at the grocery store. We can’t change these things, so we need to have a victorious attitude concerning them.

Dr. Carlson suggests several tips for a victorious attitude. For instance:

“Life is not an emergency”! We don’t need the added pressure of feeling we must achieve a certain number of things each day. This perception keeps us in a frenzy. So chill! Tomorrow’s another day.

“Refuse to let it bug you”: no matter what someone else says or believes, when you get down to it, it’s JUST their opinion. Should you allow their erroneous, misinformed, or biased opinions to get in your way? Of course not!

“See the innocence”: people are flawed, just like us. They’ve experienced their own hurts and disappointments, and these feelings often come out in their words and actions. Understanding this is another big step toward not being offended.

“Think of your problems as potential teachers”: we can learn something from every “kooky character” we meet, every “sorry circumstance” we find ourselves in. If we allow God to work in us, He will grow peace, patience, love and forgiveness from the dirt of our adversity.

But the best tip we can give you comes from God’s Word: “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)

Dwell on God’s faithfulness and His goodness, not on your problems and other people. Don’t waste your emotional (and creative) energy fretting over “fouls”; or attempting to fix your friends (or “enemies”)! Concentrate on God’s destiny for your life. Don’t sweat the small stuff — and as Dr. Carlson states, “And it’s all small stuff.”
