The Light of a Dream Fulfilled (Diet for Dreamers)


Many of us dream of achieving great things in life, of seeing our fondest hopes and wishes come true, but often, of simply making it through the various storms of adversity that sometimes blow in our direction. And there are still many places in our world where people dream of just being free: to live, unhindered, according to their customs; and to worship, without persecution, in the way they choose.

History is filled with accounts of men and women who longed for civil and religious freedoms. One such piece of history dates back to the second century B.C., and is distinguished by a miraculous event that took place in Ancient Judea. It occurred in 164 B.C., when God fulfilled a long-held dream of the Jewish people: of reclaiming their Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and of once again being able to worship their Lord in peace.

The Jews had lost their religious freedom when Judea came under the control of Antiochus III, the King of Syria, whose Seleucid Empire then encompassed all the Middle Eastern provinces. Antiochus was both vicious and intolerant of anything he felt hindered his own personal agenda, the social “modernization” of the world. Antiochus planned to accomplish his goals by imposing the Greek culture and religion upon all his subjects, and in the process, to systematically destroy Judaism.

Antiochus ordered every known copy of the Torah, the Holy Word of God, to be burned. Anyone found in possession of the Scriptures — or observing the Sabbath, or honoring the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel in any way — was put to death. And as evidence of his thoroughness and the extent of his cruelty, whenever Antiochus learned of a woman who’d had her child circumcised in accordance with her Jewish faith, he’d have the mother and ALL of her children put to death!

But even these atrocities didn’t appease Antiochus. He ordered that the Temple in Jerusalem, the nexus of the Jewish faith, be desecrated. This he accomplished by sending Syrian soldiers into the Temple to sacrifice pigs and other ritualistically-unclean animals upon the alter of God. Afterwards, a statue of the Greek god Jupiter was placed in the “heart” of the Temple, the Holy of Holies.

Despite religious persecution to the point of death, despite the defilement of their most sacred place, the “home” of their God, the Jews kept their faith. But historians believe that, had Antiochus succeeded in his agenda to wipe out Judaism, he would have transformed the face of modern civilization into something totally unrecognizable today; had Judaism been eradicated, Christianity and Islam never would have come into existence.

God’s people, however, had rebelled against the Syrians beginning in 167 B.C. What followed were three desperate years of guerrilla warfare waged by a Jewish resistance group under the leadership of an elderly priest and his sons, the Maccabees. The resistance fighters eventually became such a thorn in the side of the empire that the Syrian government ultimately sued for peace! The Jews regained their religious freedom and the control of their Temple, now defiled and in ruins.

Following several days of mourning, the Jews started the work necessary to repair and restore the Temple. Once the work was completed, the Temple needed to be ceremonially cleansed and rededicated. Crowds of Jewish worshippers flooded into Jerusalem to celebrate the rededication, bringing sacrifices to honor God. There was just one problem: the Temple menorah, a lamp stand with six branches and seven flames, had to be kept lit, but there was only enough oil to keep the wicks burning for a single day. The Jews had dreamed of worshipping in the Temple for years, but only a single sealed cruse of consecrated olive oil was available; the seals on the other cruses had been broken by the Syrians and the oil “contaminated”! So what happened? Nothing short of a miracle: God multiplied the oil in that tiny cruse, which was used to replenished the menorah and kept the flames burning for eight days! Why eight days? Because that was how much time the Jews needed to prepare and purify additional oil.

Each year since, to commemorate God’s fulfillment of their dream to see the Temple restored, as well as His miraculous provision demonstrated by those eight days of illumination, the Jewish people celebrate the holiday known as Chanukah, the Festival of Lights! They light a special menorah with eight branches and nine wicks — the ninth wick (elevated at the center) represents God — and they pray and eat delicious oil-based foods. In the U.S. and other countries where Christmas is celebrated, Hanukkah is often an occasion to exchange gifts and play traditional games, too. Hence, Jewish children enjoy Yule-time festivities similar to those experienced by families observing the Christian holiday.

Do you have a special dream? If so, “…The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your Glory.” (Isaiah 60:19 NIV) Do you need a miracle? Remember: “I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 NLT) The God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel is still in the miracle-making business. For “Jesus Christ (Yeshua) is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)



Simeon’s Dream (Encouragement for Creators & Dreamers)


Do you feel you were meant to accomplish something truly wonderful in life, or to play an important role in a history-making event? Are you still waiting for that long-held dream to come true? Have you been struggling so long to achieve your goals and see your hopes fulfilled that you’re beginning to wonder if you ever will? Then keep the faith, dear friends — no matter how long the dream takes. An old man named Simeon did just that, and he was greatly rewarded for his faithfulness!

There was nothing particularly remarkable about Simeon, at least not in the areas most people value: he wasn’t rich or brilliant or well-connected in society. But the man who would later be called “The God Receiver” never stopped believing his Lord would keep His promises and make Simeon’s “impossible dream” a reality. According to Luke 2:25 (ESV) “…there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

“The consolation of Israel” was the single greatest dream of God’s Chosen People, prophesied throughout The Old Testament, and it would be fulfilled by the coming of the Messiah, who would take away the sins of the world and be “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel.” (Luke 2:32 ESV) Hundreds of years had passed but no Messiah; and no indication that the dream was any closer to coming true. Simeon never lost faith, however, because “…It had been revealed to him by the Holy
Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.”
(Luke 2:26 ESV)

Because Simeon had faith in God, an unshakable confidence that his Lord would keep all of His promises, he continued to pursue his dream — despite being advanced in years, and having already waited for what must have felt like an eternity. Simeon continued to do his part. And he continued to listen for God’s direction, until one day when “…The Spirit led him to the Temple.” (Luke 2:27 NLT)

Simeon could have said, “Not again!” He could have figured he was in for yet another disappointment, and really, he could have given up on the dream long before. Instead, he left the comfort of his home and he did what he’d done countless times before. He went to the Temple where, on this umpteenth visit, all his fondest hopes and dreams came true. Mary, the mother of the Messiah, and Joseph, His earthly father, had “brought in the child Jesus … according to the custom of the Law….” (Luke 2:27 ESV) And guess who — because of his faithfulness, because he refused to give up hope, because he continued to pursue his dreams — was present for one of the greatest events of all time?

Simeon held the Christ-child “in his arms and blessed God,” proclaiming, “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples…” (Luke 2:28-31 ESV)

Multitudes would see the Messiah fully grown, after Jesus Christ officially embarked on His earthly mission to take away the sins of the world by becoming the ultimate atoning sacrifice — once, and for all. (1 Peter 3:18) But Simeon got in on the ground floor; he got a “peek behind the curtain”; a visit backstage; and the realization of a dream hundreds of years in the making!: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 King James)

Simeon also got to make history that day, when he prophesied over the baby Jesus. “And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about Him. And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel….’” (Luke 2:33-34 ESV)

Yes, every 25th of December we commemorate the arrival on earth of the baby Jesus, and the fulfillment of Simeon’s dream. But like Simeon, we need to realize the story of the Christ child doesn’t end with His birth in a Bethlehem manger, or His initial visit to the Temple. These were simply two important steps in God’s grand design, a plan announced from the time of the Patriarch Abraham, to reconcile the world to the Father! (Genesis 17:4-6)

Still waiting on your dreams to come true? As with Simeon’s dream, some things just take time — but God’s timing is always perfect, and He keeps His promises. Our Heavenly Father is always active doing His part. So we need to continue to do our part: stay in faith, stay tuned in to God, and stay the course. Keep moving forward. Win the small victories; and accomplish your goals one step at a time. Even God’s plan of salvation unfolded over thousands of years. By comparison, should we lose hope and give up on our dreams after a handful of false starts, disappointments, and mere “moments” of waiting? No way!
