Don’t Get Distracted (Boot Camp for Creators & Dreamers 17.2)


Previously: Focus your extra time and energy on your dreams and creative endeavors. Don’t allow empty pursuits to distract you from your goals. Choose one project and/or one gifting upon which you concentrate efforts — and stick to it. Discover what your “one thing” is — and stay focused.

What’s your “one thing”? Well, when using your special gifts or talents, which one brings you the most joy? And which projects or activities provide the greatest satisfaction? What’s the one thing that excites you most and brings a sense of fulfillment to your life?

In the Academy Award-winning movie Chariots of Fire (Best Picture, 1981), there’s a line of dialogue that beautifully sums up the emotional and spiritual feeling of the “one thing”: Eric Liddell (portrayed by Ian Charleson) is training for the 1924 Paris Olympics. Liddell is a devout Christian missionary to China, a role to which he is deeply committed; but he’s also convinced God has called him to run: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.”

Ian Charleson as Eric Liddell, running in his civvies.

Once we streamline our goals and dreams, once we realize what is truly our “one thing” in life, we too should feel God’s pleasure. As the Apostle Paul states, “God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10 GW)

Sensing God’s approval, as well as His steadfast faithfulness, each of us should focus on our “one thing” and stick with it, no matter what challenges we face; no matter what obstacles we encounter. This is precisely what Liddell did.

In one memorable scene, Liddell stumbles and falls while competing in an important, pre-Olympics race. Down — with precious seconds ticking away and the other runners closing in on the finish-line — but not out, Liddell scrambles to his feet and sprints like a wild animal. He soon catches up to the other runners — and then passes them — winning the race, partly through speed, but just as much through sheer determination and a deep sense of conviction.

Watching Eric Liddell from the sidelines is another champion athlete, Harold Abrahams. Abrahams, an equally determined runner (who is destined to compete against Liddell) is astonished by Liddell’s prowess: “I’ve never seen such drive, such commitment…. He unnerves me.”

Ben Cross (left) as Harold Abrahams: distracted by Eric Liddell’s focused performance.

Abrahams was so unnerved, in fact, that he committed the unpardonable sin among runners: in the middle of a race, Abrahams looked around to see how the competition was performing. For a brief moment he took his eyes off the finish line and looked to see where Eric Liddell was — and that cost Abrams the race.

  • Friends, in the pursuit of our dreams, we cannot afford to allow anyone or anything to unnerve us (or distract us). We have to stay focused, and that means keeping our eyes on the goal and the prize (Philippians 3:12-14).
  • Similarly, we need to keep our eyes on the Lord, the source of our strength, the One who equips us to achieve our goals and reach our destination. Remember, the Apostle Simon Peter was able to walk on water — but only for as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus Christ. The moment Peter’s focus shifted away from his Lord, and onto his circumstances (a raging, storm-tossed sea), the apostle began to sink. (Matthew 14:25-31)

When we creators and dreamers choose to focus on God the storm-stopper — instead of on the frequent storms of life — we can accomplish the seemingly impossible. If, however, we focus on our problems, challenges, setbacks, delays, and disappointments … we’re sunk!

  • But if (and when) we do get distracted, or fall, as Eric Liddell did, we must get back into the race immediately!
  • Harold Abrahams (1899-1978) was a lawyer by profession. He won a Gold Medal (for the 100-metres) at the 1924 Paris Olympics. A year later, a serious leg injury ended his competitive career, but he continued to distinguish himself as a writer and broadcaster, and he remained committed to developing Jewish sports activities in Great Britain.

    And, like Harold Abrahams, who went on to win Olympic Gold, we must learn from our past mistakes. When something doesn’t work out, then try something else.

Thomas Edison is reported to have tried more than two thousand different experiments that failed before he finally got the lightbulb to work. He once told a journalist that from his perspective he had never failed at all; inventing the lightbulb was just a two-thousand-step process. Edison kept a clear and positive focus: he concentrated on what he learned from his mistakes, not on the failures themselves — or the delays.

  • Like Edison, we must realize that staying focused requires patience. Reaching a goal or fulfilling a dream is an involved process, and oftentimes the process can be long. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so why should we expect instant success when it comes to our fondest hopes and dreams? Everything worthwhile in life takes time.
  • Stop watching the clock, stop crossing off the days, months, and years on the calendar. Instead, focus on where you’re heading, not how long it’s taking to get there.
  • Keep moving forward, and watch where you’re going, not where you’ve been. This means letting go of past mistakes, hurts, disappointments, and regrets.
Eric Liddell (1902-1945) was a sprinter, rugby player, and missionary to China. Often called the “Flying Scotsman,” he was favored to win the 100-metres at the 1924 Summer Olympic Games; but Liddell refused to participate in that event because the heats were held on Sunday (the Christian Sabbath). Instead, he competed in, and won, the 400-metres. In 1925 Liddell returned to China to serve as a missionary teacher. He remained there until his death in a Japanese internment camp in 1945.
  • Forgive the people who failed you, who didn’t encourage or support your dreams. Holding onto the past is like having a ball-and-chain fastened at the ankle. It will only weigh you down and impede your progress. Keep your focus on the Lord and the future He’s prepared for you; because He will never let you down. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Need more inspiration? Check out Chariots of Fire.

Follow the advice of the Apostle Paul: “It’s not that I’ve already reached the goal or … completed the course. But I run to win that which Jesus Christ has already won for me. Brothers and sisters…. This is what I do: I don’t look back, I lengthen my stride, and I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that God’s heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14 GW)

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Stay Focused (Boot Camp for Creators & Dreamers 17)


Thus far we’ve admonished dreamers and creators to “Write the vision and make it clear” (Habakkuk 2:2 GW — as discussed in the first session of Boot Camp); ask God for His help and guidance; devise a plan or strategy; execute the plan; manage time effectively; count the costs; and be willing to stand alone if necessary. These steps facilitate the creative process, and are vital to achieving big (God-sized) dreams. Here’s another step that’s just as important:


We live in a fast-paced, often hectic world — at the height of the Information Age. Vying for our attention, in addition to occupational demands and the needs of friends and family, are countless electronic distractions, such as video games and social media websites. If we want to realize our dreams, or accomplish something worthwhile, we’ll need to minimize these distractions and stay focused on our main objectives.

Focus: to concentrate one’s interest and/or activity on a particular goal or pursuit.

How do you stay focused? Each morning, after spending quiet time with the Lord, followed by meeting daily responsibilities and fulfilling any outstanding obligations, you then apply your remaining time and energy to the pursuit of your dreams and creative endeavors. Simple. Well, not always.

Distractions are always a mouse-click away, or lurking within the TV or the smart phone. One false move and you can find yourself transported to the near future, looking back and wondering how you managed to waste so much valuable time. However, we can safeguard against these distractions (and hence, maximize our free time) by staying organized and maintaining a “Things-to-Do List.”

We recently heard from a fellow dreamer who lamented the loss of his mornings (a precious and particularly creative time of day). He had the habit of switching on the news each morning, to catch up on important social and political issues. A worthy activity; but he’d always end up getting sucked in — and before he knew it, he’d wasted several precious hours (and was no closer to achieving his goals).

Like many of our fellow dreamers, and most creative people, we have far too many interests. We live in an endlessly fascinating world, and we genuinely love people. In fact, we’re into hospitality, and we love having guests over for food and fellowship. (We even wrote a book on the topic of hospitality, The Heart of an Angel, available online wherever fine books are sold; and that, dear friends, is our shameless plug for the day.) Nonetheless, we generally remain focused.

If you’re multitalented, have tons of interests, and tend to be sociable, staying focused will be a constant challenge.

  • You’ll need to evaluate your activities, carefully weigh your choices, and be on your guard for unnecessary activities that can eat up your time but give nothing in return.
  • You’ll occasionally need to re-read your “vision” (the goals and dreams you committed to paper), and frequently review your plans.
  • To stay focused, you’ll also need to stick to ONE project at a time. If you’re called to write, then spend your time writing. If you want to be a concert pianist, then stay away from the tuba. Don’t  be a “jack-of-all-trades but master of none.”
  • Use one gifting at a time — or at least concentrate on one particular area of your gifts and talents.

Some dreams and creative endeavors require a number of gifts and talents; and some of these gifts and talents are interconnected or overlap. But if you try to succeed in more than one of them, chances are, you’ll fail in ALL of them. So, narrow your vision. Set your sights on the one thing that most excites you. Have a clear objective: aim for a bullseye, and you’ll increase your chances of hitting the target.

The Apostle Paul was both multitalented and extremely sociable — but he never allowed these characteristics to interfere with his main purpose in life. Despite numerous distractions, He made time to spread the Gospel across several provinces, and wrote most of the New Testament. How’d he do it? Paul writes, “…I focus on this one thing: …looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” (Philippians 3:13-14 TLB) By the way, the apostle wrote these words while he was in prison.

What’s your “one thing”? Other than following Christ and leading a life that’s pleasing to God (these goals should be primary), what’s the one thing you feel you’re truly good at? What’s your great passion in life, your particular niche, your special assignment from the Lord?

Once you’ve answered these questions, and settled on your own unique purpose and destiny in life — your “one thing” — write it down. Then focus upon it and press forward to obtain it. And whenever fear and doubt assail you, read the words you wrote regarding your vision (this one thing) — as well as the numerous promises of God, which support it.

As we approach Resurrection Sunday (Easter), we’re reminded that when Jesus Christ walked the earth in human form, He never lost sight of His “one thing”: that He was to be crucified for the sins of the world — thereby becoming our Passover lamb — in order to redeem us and to restore our relationship with God the Father.

Jesus (or Yeshua) lived a sinless life, during which He taught and fed the multitudes, healed the sick, raised the dead, and demonstrated God’s infinite Love for humanity. Our Lord did all this and more, but His focus always remained on the Cross that lay at the end of His sojourn on earth. Christ said, “…It is for this [very] purpose that I have come to this hour [this time and place].” (John 12:27 AMP)

Follow our Lord’s example. Stay focused … on your dreams and on your faith! “We must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up. We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2 GW)

And lest we forget, here’s one last thought: Three days after His sacrificial death on a Roman cross, God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, rose from the grave: “The women [who discovered His empty tomb] were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men [angels in disguise] asked, ‘Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee…?'” (Luke 24:5-6 NLT)

Yes, He is risen! Have a joyous Resurrection Sunday and a blessed time of Passover!

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